- Artikel-Nr.: AG_V_11_Corona
- ISBN.: 978-3-935043-11-3
Nähere Informationen zur Publikation:
Der vorliegende Ratgeber wurde bisher von mehr als 3 Millionen Menschen gelesen und hat viel dazu beigetragen, dass psychologische Hilfsmaßnahmen seit dem Ausbruch der Covid-19-Pandemie angewendet werden und somit zur Eindämmung der Krise beitragen. Vor kurzem hat der Ausbruch der Corona-Pandemie (Covid-19) Panik, Angst, Zweifel und andere Probleme bei den Menschen ausgelöst. Deshalb haben die Autoren umgehend dieses Buch mit dem Ziel geschrieben, der Öffentlichkeit in der Pandemiezeit psychologische Hilfestellungen an die Hand zu geben. Dieses Buch richtet sich an das medizinische Personal, Menschen in betroffenen Gebieten, Patienten und deren Familien sowie an alle anderen Interessierten. Es bietet Leitlinien, praktische Hinweise und beschreibt psychologische Schutzmaßnahmen während dieser besonderen Zeit. Der Ratgeber befasst sich mit der gegenwärtigen „Panik“, aber nicht nur mit dieser, sondern auch mit psychologischen Problemen, die bereits während früherer Pandemien aufgetreten sind und wurde zu Beginn der Corona-Pandemie geschrieben, die mit anderen Pandemien vergleichbar ist. Daher ist dieser Ratgeber auf ein breites Spektrum von Prävention, Bekämpfung und Katastrophenhilfe bei Epidemien/ Pandemien anwendbar und gibt außerdem theoretische und praktische Handlungsanleitungen für eine Psychologische Erste Hilfe sowie einer Selbsthilfe in verschiedenen Phasen einer Pandemie.
Zu den Herausgebern:
ZHAO Xudong
Prof. Dr. med.
School of Medicine at Tongji University,
Affiliation and Position
1. Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology, Director of the Division of Medical Humanities at Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai
2. President, Mental Health Center of Pudong New Area Affiliated to Tongji University
3. Chief-doctor, Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Shanghai East Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University
4. Director, Institute of Philosophical Psychology, School of Humanities at Tongji University
5. Guest-Professors at Ritsumeikan University (Japan) and at the Mental Health Institute of Beijing University; Adjunct Professor at the Peking Union Medical College
1. 1978–1983: Kunming Medical College, China. Bachelor of Medicine
2. 1985–1988: West China University of Medicine, China. Master of Medicine
3. 1990–1994: Heidelberg University, Germany. Doktor der Medizin (Dr.med.)
Major Achievements
I have been contributing to the development of cultural psychiatry, psychotherapy and clinical psychosomatic medicine in China. As the first Master-degree-program student majored in cultural psychiatry in China, I completed a research project and wrote my thesis on stressful life events in Yi Nationality in 1988. My colleagues and I have set up the first open psychiatric ward in general hospitals in 1988. In 1993, I got my doctorate with a dissertation entitled ‘Introducing systemic family therapy into China as a cultural project’. After I returned from Germany to China in 1993, I established the first psychotherapy centre in China in 1994. I’ve been involved in the professional works to promote the birth and implementation of the Mental Health Law of P.R. China, including drafting relevant national administrative regulations.
In1997, the Sino-German cooperation project, for which I had served as Chinese coordinator, got ‘International Sigmund Freud Award for Psychotherapy 2008’ due to its contribution to introduce Western Psychotherapy into China successfully. I have been awarded many times by academic organizations and authorities for achievements in research, clinical care and teaching in mental health.
Currently, I’m interested in enhancing the integration of humanities and psychiatry in order to prevent the future psychiatry in China from becoming the one-sided bio-psychiatry.
LIU Zhongmin
Prof. Dr.
Shanghai East Hospital affiliated to Tongji University
Affiliation and Position
1. Professor of Surgery, Emergency and Disaster Medicine at Tongji University
2. President of the Shanghai East Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University
3. Council Member of Chinese Medical Association; Board Member of World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine; Chairman of Chinese Society of Disaster Medicine, Chinese Medical Association; Vice Chairman of Chinese Association of Cardiovascular Surgeon, Chinese Medical Doctor Association; Chairman of the Society of Disaster Medicine, Shanghai Medical Association; Academic Committee Member and Council Member of Tongji University
1978–1980: Jiangsu Zhenjiang Medical College, Bachelor of Medicine
1983–1986: Nanjing Medical University, Master of Medicine
1989–1992: Shanghai Second Medical University, Doctor of Medicine
Major Achievements
I have been practising as a cardiac surgeon since 1980s. Additionally, I began to extend my interest to emergency and disaster medicine since 1990s. In these two fields and other areas, I have achieved some record-breaking innovations with nationwide impacts in China. Since 1997, as the first person in China, I’ve been implementing ‘integrated emergency medical model’. After the 2008 Sichuan earthquake in China, I was the first in China who proposed the concept of disaster medicine, and led to establish the Chinese society of Disaster Medicine under Chinese Medical Association and has been serving as chairman since then. During 2010 China World Expo, I set up the emergency medical rescue team. Six years later, this team became one of the three International Emergency Medical Teams in the world that were certified by the World Health Organization (WHO), and will be ready to accept WHO‘s disposal to participate in international medical relief mission.
Since the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, the International Emergency Medical Team based in my hospital was sent to Wuhan to run the largest mobile field hospital and accomplished tough tasks to treat more than thousand infected patients. Besides the biological diagnostical and therapeutical performances, my hospital is also good at psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy in disaster relief actions.